
A little story of how success is made

Hrvatska verzija dolje ↓

I really want to share with you a story of a recent little success of mine. In the definition of success, it is a micro success, but what is different about this one, is that I finally saw how I did it.

I don’t know about you (hopefully you will tell me), but I never really knew how I made any of my successes. Every time I managed to achieve a certain goal of mine, or make a little dream come true, I considered this was because of luck. I believed that I just stumbled upon a set of lucky circumstances. I met ‘by chance’ someone who offered me a job opportunity, it was ‘by chance’ that I was selected in a competition. It was by chance because I was just in the right place at the right time. It was by chance because I was not really having perfect skills. It was by chance because it could have been anyone else.

What I did not see is that there are no ‘chances’ in life. We create our own reality and attract into our lives circumstances that we are asking for. The fact that we don’t see how this is true, does not whatsoever mean that it is not happening.

I realized some months ago that I should spend more time in doing activities that make me happy and make me come alive. That is important, I realized for living a fulfilled and joyous life. My problem was that by that point I did not really know what is that makes me happy. In my periods of depression nothing really seems to be that thing. On a random lonely Saturday night I was listening to one of my gurus talk, and she said that one way to find out what makes you happy is to think of what made you happy when you were a child. Which activities did you enjoy? What made you spend hours in play and made you loose the track of time?

For me, one of those activities definitely was drawing. So, I decided I will give it a try. In the next months that followed, I spent hours and hours in drawing. I used it to fight seasonal depression, I used it when I was stuck on the plane for hours, I used it when I was forced to be some place boring. It was my therapy and my escape.

One night I dreamed that I made a big painting, the one that was not drawn in between my diary pages or on random scraps of papers. This one was big, for hanging on the wall. I saw exactly how it looked like, and when asked about it in the dream, I said it represented ‘Freedom’.

Couple of weeks after the creation of my first painting ‘Freedom’, I saw an ad in a Facebook group from a woman looking for ‘artists’ for an event she is organizing. She was looking for women who do arts and crafts to participate in a ‘craft fair’ at this event. I thought I am always pretty crafty, so depending on what she will need, it would be interesting to participate. So, I responded to the ad. Some weeks after that, this woman contacts me with a bit more details, and she asks if I am still interested. It would be a corporate event during which the ‘artists’ will expose their little stands with whatever arts and crafts they have. At this moment I thought to myself ‘I have to write to this woman saying that I actually changed my mind because I don’t really have any concrete products in my hand which I could expose.’ However, something inside of me did not want to give up. So, instead I wrote ‘When is the event?’. – ‘In June’, she responded. Four months from now. I wrote back ‘I am still interested’.

What the hell have I just done? I had one single painting. I had couple of pieces of my own clothes, I had some paper crafts laying around my apartment, and little more. None of those things will do for an arts and crafts fair. I really don’t know what I was thinking! Some calm voice in my head said: ‘You just keep painting, you just keep doing what you are doing, and if this event is meant for you, it will happen’.

So, I continued doing what I was doing, I continued enjoying the time with my colors. I kept thinking about being a part of this event, and I still wanted it even after the time was passing. I did not think that I had no clue what I was doing, I did not think I will not make it, I did not think that there are million aspects of this story I am not ready for, I did not even think that there was still a whole selection process to go through!

As time was passing, magic things happened. I kept getting clues and information from different sources – while talking to friends, family, reading a book or an article, on social media, etc. They kept unfolding like a huge map, opening one territory after another for me to look at. All sorts of information and questions started coming to me that I did not even think about once I applied for this event. I did not think that I will need to think of so many things if I wanted to present myself in front of the audience. I needed an identity, I needed to describe what my paintings were, why are they special. I needed to say who I was, what is my story. What about the technical aspects of the paintings, frames, how to do expositions, the selling, the reproduction? There were million things I was figuring out in the meantime, that kept popping up like Hydras heads – the moment I would kill one, there were three others showing up.

By the time it was May, only then I found out that I was selected to actually participate in the event. All this time this was not even a fact! However, in my mind from the day I said I actually wanted to participate, I was already there. I believed so strongly that I will be a part of this event, that I kept going, and kept finding solutions to make it happen. When she said that I was selected, I was so ready. It felt like the most natural thing in the world.

This is the law of life – when you desire something, the whole universe will help you to make it happen. I was just a simple girl who decided to paint for her own joy. I was not an artist. I was not a painter. I had no clue about anything that had to do with paintings or how to make an exposition, how to price paintings, nor how to offer any product to the public for that matter. I did not have any information about my paintings ready, I did not even know what am I supposed to say about them. I actually still struggled about what to say about myself!

All those things still did not stop me. All those things do not matter at the beginning because they can be figured out as you go. If you believe you will make it, you will make it. Even when you have no idea how to do it, even when you think you don’t have what it takes, when you think you don’t belong there and when there are million things that you know literally nothing about. Your job is to start, your job is to desire it and be willing to keep going. When life throws you those curve balls to test how serious you are, you just keep going, keep working, keep screaming ‘Hell yes, I am serious! Watch me do it!’ I promise you, there is nothing in the world that can compare to a reward of being so proud of yourself.


Mala priča o tome kako stvoriti uspjeh

Želim s vama podijeliti priču o svom nedavnom malom uspjehu. U definiciji uspjeha taj je mikro uspjeh, ali ono što je kod njega drugačije je da sam napokon vidjela kako sam uspjela.

Ne znam za vas (nadam se da ćete mi reći), ali ja nisam nikad vidjela kako sam došla do bilo kojeg uspjeha. Svaki put kad sam uspjela ostvariti neki svoj cilj, neki svoj mali san, smatrala sam da je to sreća. Vjerovala sam da sam jednostavno imala sreće da se odrešene okolnosti poklope. ‘Slučajno’ sam upoznala nekoga tko mi je ponudio poslovnu priliku. ‘Igrom sam slučaja’ odabrana na nekom natječaju. Bilo je slučajno jer sam se samo našla na pravom mjestu u pravo vrijeme. Bilo je slučajno jer nisam doista imala savršene kompetence. Bilo je slučajno jer je to mogao biti bilo tko drugi.

Ono što nisam shvaćala je da u životu nema ‘slučajnosti’. Mi kreiramo svoju vlastitu realnost i privlačimo okolnosti koje tražimo. Činjenica da mi ne vidimo kako je to istina, ne znači da se to ne događa.

Prije nekoliko mjeseci sam shvatila da trebam provoditi više vremena u aktivnostima koje me čine sretnom i čine me da se osjećam živom. To je važno, shvatila sam, kako bismo živjeli ispunjen i sretan život. Moj problem bio je da u tom trenutku nisam uopće znala što je to što me ćini sretnom. U mojim depresivnim periodima, ništa se ne čini kao prava stvar. Jedne slučajne osamljene subotnje večeru, slušala sam jednu spiritualnu učiteljicu koju pratim. Rekla je da je jedan od načina kako nači ono što te veseli je da razmisliš što te činilo sretnim kad si bio dijete. U kojim si aktivnostima uživao? Što te činilo da provedeš sate u igri i zaboraviš na vrijeme?

Za mene jedna od tih aktivnosti definition je bilo crtanje. Odlučila sam da ću pokušati. U sljedećim sam mjesecima provela sate i sate crtajući. Koristila sam crtanje da se borim protiv depresivnog vremena, kad sam bila zarobljena u avionu satima, crtala sam, kad sam morala biti na nekom dosadnom mjestu, crtala sam. Bila je to moja terapija i moj bjeg.

Jednu noć sanjala sam da sam napravila veliku sliku. Jednu koja nije bila nacrtana među stranicama mog dnevnika ili na bezveznim papirima koji su se vucarali uokolo. Ova je bila velika, kao slike koje vise na zidu. Vidjela sam točno kako izgleda i kad su me pitali u snu, rekla sam da predstavlja ‘Slobodu’.

Nekoliko tjedana nakon što sam nacrtala svoju prvu sliku ‘Sloboda’, vidjela sam objavu u jednoj grupi na Facebooku. Žena je tražila ‘umjetnike’ za event koji je organizirala. Tražila je žene koje su se bavile umjetnošću i ručnim radovima koje bi sudjelovale na sajmu umjetnina i rukotvorina u sklopu njezinog eventa. Ja sam uvijek vrlo krerativna i mislila sam, ovisno o tome što će joj trebati, bilo bi zanimljivo sudjelovati. Odgovorila sam na post. Nekoliko tjedana kasnije, ta me žena kontaktirala s više detalja i pitala me jesam li još uvijek zainteresirana. Biti će to korporativni događaj na kojem će ‘umjetnice’ izložiti svoje male štandove s proizvodima koje su kreirale. U tom sam trenutka znala da moram odgovoriti kako odustajem jer nisam imala konkretnih proizvoda koje bih mogla izložiti. Međutim, nešto u meni nije htjelo odustati. Umjesto toga, napisala sam ‘Kada je event?’ – ‘U Lipnju’, odgovorila je. Četiri mjeseca od danas. Odgovorila sam ‘Još sam uvijek zainteresirana’.

Koji sam vrag upravo učinila? Imala sam jednu sliku. Imala sam nekoliko svojih modnih kreacija, nekoliko papirnatih kreacija razbacanih po stanu, i to je to. Ni jedna od tih stvari nije bila primjerena za sajam rukotvorina. Stvarno ne znam što sam mislila! Neki smireni glas u meni rekao je ‘Ti samo nastavi crtati, nastavi raditi ono što radiš. Ako ti je ovaj event namijenjen, ti ćeš biti tamo’.

I tako, nastavila sam crtati, nastavila sam raditi ono što sam radila. Nastavila sam uživati u vremenu s mojim bojama. Mislila sam o sudjelovanju na tom eventu, i željela sam to čak i kako je vrijeme prolazilo. Nisam mislila kako nemam pojma što radim, nisam mislila kako neću uspjeti, nisam mislila da postoji milijun aspekata ove priče za koje nisam spremna, nisam ni mislila kako postoji još cijeli selekcijski process koji treba proći!

Kako je vrijeme prolazilo, magične su se stvari događale. Počela sam dobivati tragove i informacije iz različitih izvora – dok sam razgovarala s obitelji, prijateljima, čitajući knjigu ili članak, na socijalnim mrežama, itd. Odmotavale su se kao velika mapa, otkrivajući teritorije jedan za drugim pred mojim očima. Svakakva su mi se pitanja I informacije pojavljivale o kojima nisam razmišljala kad sam se prijavila za taj event. Nisam mislila da ću morati misliti o toliko stvari ako se želim predstaviti publici. Trebala sam identitet, trebala sam opisati što su moje slike, zašto su posebne. Trebala sam reći tko sam ja, koja je moja priča. Što s tehničkim aspektima slika, što s okvirima, kako napraviti izložbu, kako prodati, kako reproducirati? Bilo je milijun stvari koje sam u međuvremenu trebala saznati. Pojavljivale su se kao Hidrine glave – čim sam odrezala jednu, nove su tri izrasle.

Dok sam se bavila svime time, polako je došao svibanj. Tek sam tada saznala da sam odabrana da zapravo sudjelujem na eventu. Cijelo to vrijeme to uopće nije bila činjenica! Međutim, u mojoj glavi od trenutka kad sam rekla da želim sudjelovati, već sam bila tamo. Toliko sam jako vjerovala da ću biti dio tog eventa da sam nastavila s pripremama i nastavila tražiti rješenja kako bih to ostvarila. Kad je rekla da sam odabrana, ja sam bila potpuno spremna. Činilo se kao najprirodnija stvar na svijetu.

To je zakon života – kad nešto jako želiš, cijeli će ti svemir pomoći da to ostvariš. Ja sam samo obična cura koja je odlučila crtati za svoj vlastiti gušt, kako bi donijela malo sreće u svoj život. Ja nisam umjetnik. Nisam imala pojma ni o čemu vezanom uz slike ili kako organizirati izložbu, kako odlučiti o cijeni slike ili kako ponuditi bilo koji proizvod javnosti. Nisam imala informacije o svojim slikama, nisam ni znala što bi rekla o njima. Zapravo, još uvijek sam se borila s time što reći o sebi!

Sve me te stvari nisu zaustavile. Sve te stvari nisu važne na početku. Shvatiti ćeš ih kasnije, u procesu. Ako vjeruješ da ćeš uspjeti, uspjeti ćeš. Čak i kad nemaš pojma kako, čak i kad misliš da nisi sposoban, kad misliš da tu ne pripadaš. Čak i kada postoji milijun stvari o kojima doslovno nemaš pojma. Tvoj je posao da počneš, tvoj je posao željeti i biti spreman ići tim putem. Kad te život iskušava da vidi koliko si ozbiljan u svojoj nakani, samo nastavi. Nastavi raditi, nastavi vikati ‘Da, da, da! Itekako sam ozbiljan! Gledaj me!’  Vjerujte, nema nagrade u životu koja se može usporediti s osjećajem ponosa na samog sebe.


Your life is in your own hands

Hrvatska verzija dolje ↓

Recently I was diagnosed with several illneses affecting my reproductive organs. There were several separate illneses, spreading on every female organ in my body. Moreover, each of those conditions separately had a potential to end my life in matter of months.

When I first got the news, I was devastated. For months that was the only thing I could think of. I was feeling so sorry for myself. I told about it to all my family members and my friends in hope for their pity. I was inviting everyone on my pity party thinking that this is going to make it better. I said to my boyfriend that he is free to leave me becasue I am not able to stop the virus from spreading and affecting him. I explained to my mom and all my friends how severe my condition was. The worst of all, I was explaining to myself that maybe what I was fearing the most in life is actually going to manifest – that I will die young.

I wanted to get better,  but all I was doing was focusing on my condition and thinking how bad it was. I wanted to do something but I did not know what.

Medicine was something I could not rely on. Medicine is a science which specializes in putting patches on open wounds and does not treat root cause of any condition. I was not ready to start poisoning my bloodstream with chemical hormones, I was not ready to take experimential shots which might prevent something. I was done with radioactive treatments, painful surgeries,  and I was definitely not willing to let parts of my body be cut out of me! I was knocking at the wrong door if I was looking to be saved by western medicine.

So, I turned into my spiritual practice. I intensified it in hope that it will bring me to a resolution. I started actively searching for answers in meditation, in esoteric teachings, and from spiritual gurus I follow. However, it seemed that those were also not bringing results, as my gynecologist was bringing one bad news after the other every time I went to see her.

Only after several months, the threat of chemical birth control pills being my only choice, the IRM and the painful biopsy, I realized that something was wrong with my strategy. I started thinking about all those women that managed to beat cancer, all those people who managed to cure themselves under unimaginable circumstances, those who survived terminal illnesses and woke up from conditions where they were kept breathing only by the power of a machine. What was the one thing that all those people had in common? Strength. A will to live. A will to live that was stronger than anything. Even when everyone else gave up on them, they did not give up on themselves. They did not whine, they did not focus on their desease and throw pity parties. They decided they wanted to live and they faught.

The fact that I was just on the verge of life and death with all of these conditions was carrying an important message for me. Each condition that I developed was just on the edge of potentially developing into something very serious, like a ticking bomb. I was just on time to descover it, and on time to change its course, should I decide so. My own body was screaming for me to wake up, it was saying that the time is NOW, or never. If I wanted to change the direction of my deaseses, I had to change the direction of my whole life.

Ironically, the place where I found the answers were the words that came out of my own mouth. The answers were not in everyone elses’ teachings, but in my own. I realized that it was time for advices that I was giving to my clients and training participants to be applied to my own life. Was I finally ready to take my own advice? I needed to feel on my own skin what being strong meant, what loving myself meant and what not giving up meant.

It meant that I will stop focusing on my condition and focus on my strength instead.

It meant that I will stop saying ‘I am sick’ and start saying ‘I am strong. My body is strong. I am recovering and getting better every day.’

It meant that I will invest my time into making my body strong and start making exercise my number one morning priority.

It meant that I will invest into making my mind stronger, stop saying ‘I have no time’ and start making time for meditating regularly.

It meant that for everyone who will ask about my condition I will say ‘Thank you for your concern, but I am not focusing on that anymore’.

It meant that I would have to accept that somebody can love me despite any condition I might have, and he is not going to give up so easily even if I was ready to give up on myself or him.

It meant that I was willing to believe in myself more than I was believing everyone else around me.

It meant that I will have to take my life into my own hands.

It meant that I will not be allowed to give up.

It meant that I am the one who, at least for now, gets to decide whether I want to die young.

It meant that I had to decide how much I really want to live.

From that moment on, I reinvented my own life once again. I started eating even healthier, and started listening to my own body more, so I can give it what feels good. I started exercising every morning, and I stoped making excuses. Strong body = strong mind. Strong mind = strong me. I took my meditation practice more seriously, and I made it my priority. I let myself be loved by others  without making excuses and without feeling guilty for receiving love. I started choosing myself every day. I starated loving myself more than I was loving my excuses. I started loving life much more than I was loving my state of helplessness. In fact, I started loving life more than anything because

– What is there more important than our own lives?

– What is there more imporant than ourselves in our own lives?

– What can there ever be that is more important than our own survival?

And it is not only about surviving. It is about how we are willing to survive. Are we willing to just be carried through life like a leaf on the surface of the water, in whatever direction the river decides to take us? Or are we willing to take direction into our own hands and steer the wheel? The choice is ours. Every day there is a new opportunity for us to be stronger, whiser and better than we were yesterday.

Stop taking everyone else’s advice, and stop living everyone elses’ truth. Take your life into your own hands, and take your own advice for once. It might just save your life.

Vaš je život u vašim rukama

Prije nekoliko mjeseci dijagnosticirano mi je nekoliko bolesti koje su pogodile moje reproduktiovne organe. Nekoliko različitih bolesti širi se gotovo svakim od ženskih organa u mom tijelu. Od tih bolesti svaka za sebe ima potencijal da svrši moj život u roku od nekoliko mjeseci.

U trenutku kad sam primila te vijesti bila sam devastirana. Mjesecima to je bilo jedino na što sam mislila. Osjećala sam toliko sažaljenje prema sebi. Objavila sam te vijesti svim članovima svoje obitelji te prijateljima u nadi da će se i oni sažaliti nadamnom. Svi su bili pozvani na moj party sažaljenja misleći da će to učiniti situaciju boljom. Rekla sam svom dečku da je slobodan da me ostavi jer nisam sposobna zaustaviti virus kojim bih ga mogla zaraziti. Objasnila sam svojoj mami i svim prijateljicama koliko je moje stanje ozbiljno. Najgore od svega, objasnila sam i sebi da će se možda ono čega sam se najviše bojala u životu doista i menifestirati – da ću umrijeti mlada.

Htjela sam biti bolje, ali sve što sam radila bilo je fokusiranje na moj problem i razmišljanje o tome koliko je loše. Željela sam nešto učiniti, ali nisam znala što.

Na medicinu se nisam mogla osloniti. Medicina je znanost čija je specijalizacija stavljanje flastera na otvorne rane. Medicina ne tretira korjene problema. Nisam bila spremna trovati se kemijskim hormonima, nisam bila spremna uzeti eksperimentalna cjepiva koja bi mogla nešto prevenirati. Bilo mi je dosta radioaktivnih tretmana, bolnih operacija i definitivno nisam bila spremna dopustiti da dijelovi mog tijela budu izrezani iz mene! Kucala sam na pogrešna vrata ako sam se nadala da ću biti spašena u rukama zapadnjačke medicine.

Stoga sam se okrenula svojoj spiritualnoj praksi. Intenzivirala sam ju u nadi da će me dovesti do rješenja. Aktivno sam počela tražiti odgovore u meditaciji, ezoteričnim učenjima i od spiritualnih gurua koje sam pratila. Mešutim, činilo se da ni ta praksa nije donosila rezultate s obzirom da je moja ginekologica dostavljala jednu lošu vijest za drugom svaki put kad bi ju vijela.

Tek nakon nekoliko mjeseci, prijetnje da su kemijske kontracepcijske pilule moje jedino rješenje, magnetske rezonance i bolne biopsije, shvatila sam da nešto ne štima s mojom strategijom. Počela sam razmišljati o svim onim ženama koje su uspjele pobjediti rak, svim onim ljudima koji su se izliječili pod nevjerojatnim okolnostima, onima koji su preživjeli smrtnosne bolesti i pribudili se iz stanja u kojem su disali samo zahvaljujući aparatima na koje su bili spojeni. Što je ono što svi ti ljudi imaju zajedničko? Snaga. Želja za životom. Želja za životom koja je jača od svega. Čak i kad su svi drugi digli ruke od njih, oni nisu digli ruke od sebe. Nisu se žalili, nisu se fokusirali na svoju bolest i organizirali partije sažaljenja. Odlučili su da žele živjeti i borili su se.

Činjenica da sam bila na rubu životra i smrti sa svim mojim bolestima, imala je u sebi važnu poruku za mene. Svaka bolest koju sam razvila imala je u sebi potencijal da se razvije u nešto vrlo ozbiljno, kao bomba koja odbrojava. U pravo sam ih vrijeme otkrila i u pravo sma vrijeme bila tamo da im promijenim smjer, ukoliko sam to željala. Moje je tijelo vrištalo da se probudim, govorilo je da je vrijeme SADA, ili nikada. Ako sam željela promjeniti smjer mojih bolesti, trebala sam pormjeniti smijer cijelog svog života.

Ironično, mjesto na kojem sam našla odgovore bile su riječi koje su dolazile iz mojih vlastitih usta. Odgovori nisu bili u tušim učenjima, već u mojim vlastitim. Shvatila sam da je došlo vrijeme da se savjeti koje sam davala svojim klijentima i sudionicioma mojih treninga apliciraju na moj život. Jesam li napokon spremna poslušati svoj vlastiti savijet? Trebal sam osjetiti na vlastitoj koži što znači biti jak, što znači voljeti samog sebe i pto znači ne odustati.

To je značilo da ću se prestati fokusirati na svoj problem i početi se fokusirati na svoju snagu.

To je značilo da prestati govoriti ‘Bolesna sam’ i početi govoriti ‘Jaka sam. Moje tijelo je jako. Oporavljam se i bolje sam svakim danom.’

To je značilo da ću investirati vrijeme u to da osnažim svoje tijelo i staviti vježbanje kao broj jedan na listu prioriteta.

To je značilo da ću investirati u to da učinim svoj um snažnijim, prestati govoriti ‘Nemam vremena’, i stvoriti vrijeme za redovitu meditaciju.

To je značilo da ću svakome tko bude pitao za moje stanje reći ‘Hvala na brizi, ali ne fokusiram se više na to.’

To je značilo da ću trebati prihvatiti da me netko može voljeti bez obzira na stanje u kojem jesam i da neće odustati od mene tako lako kako sam ja spremna odustati od sebe ili do njega.

To je značilo da sam voljna vjerovati u sebe više nego što sam voljna vjerovati svima drugima oko sebe.

To je značilo da ću trebati uzeti svoj život u svoje vlastite ruke.

To je značilo da mi neće biti dopušteno da odustanem.

To je značilo da sam ja ta koja odlučuje, barem za sada, želim li umrijeti mlada.

To je značilo da trebam odlučiti koliko doista želim živjeti.

Od tog trenutka svoj sam život potpuno preokrenula još jednom. Počela sam jesti još zdravije i više slušati svoje tijelo kako bih mu mogla dati ono što ga čini da se osjeća bolje. Počela sam vježbati svako jutro i prestala sam nalaziti isprike. Jako tijelo = jak um. Jak um = jaka ja. Počela sam svoje meditacije uzimati za ozbiljno i učiniti ih svojim prioritetom. Dopustila sam da budem voljena i da primim ljubav od drugih bez isprika i bez osjećaja krivnje. Počela sam birati sebe svaki dan. Počela sam voljeti sebe više nego što sam voljela svoje isprike. Počela sam voljeti sebe više nego što sam voljela svoje stanje bespomoćnosti. Zapravo, počela sam voljeti život više nego išta jer

– Što je važnije od našeg vlastitog života?

– Što je važnije od nas samih u našim vlastitim životima?

– Što ikada može biti važnije nego naše preživljavanje?

Ali nije stvar samo u preživljavanju. Stvar je u tome kako želimo preživjeti. Želimo li samo biti nošeni kroz život kao list na površini vode, gdje god nas rijeka odluči odnijeti? Ili smo spremni sami odlučiti o smjeru kojim želimo ići i preuzeti kormilo u svoje ruke? Izbor je na nama. Svaki dan nova je prilika da budemo snažniji, mudriji i bolji no što smo bili jučer.

Prestanite slušati svačije savjete i prestanite živjeti svačije tuđe istine. Preuzmite svoj život u svoje vlastite ruke i poslušajte svoj vlastiti savjet za promjenu. Mogao bi vam promijeniti život.