
Let me explain how the world we live in is a big fat lie

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This was probably supposed to be my first post ever to explain basic laws on which the truth of this life is built on this planet. It is important to understand this one, as from this, every single thing in our lives derives. Every single problem, difficulty and struggle derives from the distorted view on life that our society is cultivating nowadays.

In the process of evolution human beings at a certain point in time reached a level of consciousness (still very primitive, if I may say) in which we became aware that we are the most intelligent species on this planet. At that point we got confused and mistook our intelligence for superiority. On this very primitive level of consciousness we are guided with primitive instincts – fear and greed. In that system we are running away from what we don’t want (fear), and towards something that we do want (greed). When you look at your life through this lense, you desperately want to avoid things that you don’t want and are afraid of. At the same time you are trying to gather as much as possible of those things that you do want because you think that by having those you will be able to avoid the other ones – that you don’t want.

From this primitive idea our society nowadays was born, and it is still largely operating on this level. We still don’t want to understand fundamental laws of the universe and nature, and we refuse to acknowledge that we are an integral part of it. We are so stupid, I dare to say, to think that we are above the laws of nature that are guiding the whole universe. We are so arrogant and ridiculous that we think that the laws that are allowing every single thing to exist do not apply to us. They apply to animals, plants, the Earth, planets, Solar system, stars, galaxies. Everything, but not to us. Only us in the whole universe, we are able to exist out of those natural laws. Alright.

Acting from our primitive impulses – fear and greed, we constructed a society based on control. Someone figured out that if he can control others, he can have more of whatever he values for himself. If the others do not get access to certain resources, we don’t need to share them, we can just have them all for ourselves. How amazing! What those people did not understand at that point is that the resources and whatever we could ever want is limitless (if we use them in accordance with natural laws). We do not need to be greedy to enjoy them – it is all freely given to us in abundance. Moreover, if we cooperate with each other we can create more and more and more of it – infinite amounts of whatever we want to have.

Because someone missed to understand that little part of the equation, we ended up constructing a society in which a little minority will control the majority and pull the strings of their existence. We constructed a society where greed is the driving impulse and all that matters are our selfish interests. In this state of consciousness, highest value is control. If you have the power to control something, you will be its master. The more people you get to listen to you, the more people you get to persuade that what you are selling they should buy, the more power you can create and more strings you can pull.

First rule of selling anything to anyone is persuading them that they need it. If people don’t believe they need something, they will not buy it.

What is that our society is selling, you ask? The idea that we have no power.

When we as human beings are born, we are born with every single thing that we need to live a harmonious life on this planet. We are born as infinite intelligence and as a system we are self-sufficient. In communion with other human beings and with nature, the universe took care that we are living an abundant life where nothing will ever be missing for us. All the natural resources are here for us to use, so we can live in harmony with everything that surrounds us and we can advance, prosper and create even more abundance.

Imagine that you won a lottery where they gave you a life-long supply of pizza. Every single sort of pizza you will ever want, however much you want to eat, will be supplied to you any time you desire it, for life. Imagine that now a random guy knocks at your door and says: ‘You can have a monthly pizza subscription, for only $109.99. You can order as many pizzas as you want during an entire month for only $109.99. That is a price of ten pizza and you can have as many as you want! Wow!! That is an awesome deal! For someone who has a life-long supply of pizzas that is $109.99 too much, and besides it is completely useless.

But imagine how the situation would be so much different if you would be starving, and would not be aware that you won the lottery.

That’s how it is in life. When you are aware that inside of yourself you already have everything that you need to access anything that you will ever want, when you are aware of your infinite power, you will not need much of what others want to sell to you.  To someone who wants to control you and sell you something anyway you being aware of your power is of no use. This is his worst nightmare. If you are aware that you can have all the pizzas you will ever need, you will not want to buy it for $109.99.

On the other hand, if you are not aware that you can have the pizzas or someone convinces you that your pizzas are no good, you will buy the ones he is selling. And you will keep buying and coming for more. The seller will look you in the eyes, and against all your logic he will convince you that what you are seeing, feeling and living is not true. He will convince you that your pizzas are not tasty enough, that they are not moisty enough, that they don’t have the best ingredients like his. Or simply, before you even try to activate your lottery winning, he will convince you that it does not exist!

Just like a pizza seller, this society is convincing you that your powers are of no value. That is in case that you even understand that you have any powers. This society has also heavily invested in making you believe that you have no powers whatsoever. So, in case that you would ever dare to wake up from that lie, they will convince you that your powers are not a currency in this world. We don’t accept YOUR kind of smart, we don’t accept YOUR kind of beautiful, we don’t accept YOUR kind of successful. We are producing our own, and you MUST have that one! That is the only kind that is accepted here.

This is the type of brainwash that is going on in our society nowadays. We are convinced by our society that we have no powers. And even when we see a glimpse of our own powers, there is always someone on the watch to convince us otherwise. We are brainwashed into believing that whatever we need is outside of us. As money runs this world, in this world we get to listen only to messages that produce more money for someone. No one will ever invest in making us aware of our own powers. This way we will not buy any more of their lies. That is the reason why we need to keep dreaming. We need to keep buying the fake powers they are selling.

We as human beings on this planet are free, and we can decide any day to break this ridiculous system that some people created and made us all live in. We can decide today not to obey these rules. If we understand that all the power we will ever need is inside of us, we will not need to buy any product, any lie they are selling to us. With no one to buy their products, their economy will collapse, and new values and new currencies will be introduced.

What is the currency you would want this world to run on? Greed, selfish interest, manipulation and war? Or like me: love, unity, freedom and peace?

The power to change the world we live in is in our hands. Until we, the majority, understand this and decide to do so, we will continue making money so we can keep buying overpriced products and fake powers that we never needed in the first place.

Dopustite da vam objasnim kako je svijet u kojem živimo velika debela laž

Ovo je vjerojatno trebao biti moj prvi post kako bih objasnila zakone na kojima se bazira istina života na ovoj planeti. Važno je razumjeti ovo, jer iz ovoga sve u našim životima proizlazi. Svaki problem, poteškoća i bitka proizlazi iz iskrivljenog pogleda na život koji naše društvo danas uzgaja.

U procesu evolucije ljudi su u određenom trenutku dostigli nivo svjesnosti (još uvijek vrlo primitivan, ako smijem reći) gdje smo postali svjesni da smo najinteligentnija bića na planeti. U tom smo trenutku pobrkali inteligenciju sa superiornošću. Na toj vrlo primitivnoj razini svjesnosti vođeni smo primitivnim instinktima – strahom i pohlepom. U tom sistemu trčimo što dalje od onoga što ne želimo (strah) I prema onome što želimo (pohlepa). Kad gledaš svoj život iz te perspective, očajnički želiš izbjeći ono čega se bojiš. Istodobno, pokušavaš skupiti što je više moguće onoga što želiš jer misliš da što više toga imaš, to će te odvesti što dalje od onoga što ne želiš.

Iz te primitivne ideje rodilo se današnje društvo koje i dalje u velikoj većini funkcionira bazirano na toj ideji.  Još uvijek ne želimo razumjeti fundamentalne zakone svemira i prirode, I odbijamo shvatiti da smo njihov integralni dio. Toliko smo glupi, ako se smijem usuditi to reći, da mislimo kako smo iznad zakona prirode koji pokreću cijeli svemir. Toliko smo arogantni i smiješni da mislimo kako zakoni koji dopuštaju svemu da postoji se na nas ne odnose. Odnose se na životinje, boljke, Zemlju, planete, Sunčev sustav, zvijezde, galaksije. Na sve, samo ne na nas. Samo smo mi sposobni postojati izvan tih prirodnih zakona. Okej…

Vodeći se svojim primitivnim impulsima – strahom i pohlepom, izgradili smo društvo bazirano na kontroli. Netko je dobio ideju da kontrolira druge ljude, misleći da tako može imati više onoga što želi, što god to bilo. Ako drugi nemaju pristup određenim resursima, ne trebamo ih dijeliti s njima, možemo ih jednostavno sve uzeti za sebe. Kako prekrasno! Ono što ti ljudi nisu razumjeli u tom trenutku jest da su resursi i sve što smo ikada mogli poželjeti – neograničeni (ako njima baratamo po zakonima prirode). Ne trebamo biti pohlepni kako bismo u njima uživali – oni su nam slobodno dani i imamo ih pregršt. Štoviše, ako surađujemo jedni s drugima možemo stvoriti više i više – neograničene količine svega što želimo imati.

Zbog toga jer je netko nije razumio taj mali dio formule, stvorili smo društvo u kojem vrlo mala manjina kontrolira većinu i povlači konce njihova postojanja. Izgradili smo društvo gdje je pohlepa vodeći impuls i važni su samo naši sebični interesi. Na tom stupnju svjesnosti, najveća vrijednost je kontrola. Ako imaš moć da možeš kontrolirati nešto, biti ćep njegov gospodar. Što više ljudi sluša ono što imaš reći, što više ljudi uvjeriš da kupe ono što prodaješ, više ćeš moći stvoriti i više ćeš konaca moći povući.

Prvi zakon prodaje ičega ikome je da ga uvjerimo da on to treba. Ako ljudi ne vjeruju da nešto trebaju, neće to kupiti.

Što to naše društvo prodaje, pitate? Ideju da mi sami po sebi nemamo moći.

Mi kao ljudska bića kad se rodimo, rodimo se sa svim što nam je potrebno kako bismo živjeli harmonični život na ovoj planeti. Rođeni smo kao beskrajna inteligencija i kao sustav smo samo-dovoljni. U zajednici s drugim ljudskim bićima i prirodom, svemir se pobrinuo da živimo život u izobilju gdje nam ništa nikada ne treba nedostajati. Svi su nam prirodni resursi na raspolaganju kako bismo živjeli u harmoniji sa svime što nas okružuje te napredovali, prosperirali i stvorili još više izobilja.

Zamisli da si dobio na lutriji gdje su ti dali doživotnu zalihu pizze. Svaku vrstu pizze koji ćeš ikada poželjeti, koliko god želiš pojesti biti će ti dostavljeno, doživotno. Zamisli da sada čovjek pokuca na tvoja vrata I kaže: ‘Možeš kupiti mjesečnu pretplatu na pizzu za samo $109.99. Možeš naručiti koliko god pizze hoćeš kroz cijeli mjesec za samo $109.99. To je cijena deset pizza, a ti možeš imati koliko god pizza želiš. Wow! To je super prigoda! Za nekoga tko ima doživotnu zalihu pizze, to je $109.99 previše, a osim toga, potpuno je beskorisno.

No zamisli kako bi situacija bila drugačija ako bi gladovao I ne bi bio svjestan da si dobio na lutriji.

Tako je i u životu. Kad si svjestan da unutar sebe imaš sve što ti treba za pristup bilo čemu što želiš, kad si svjestan svoje neograničene moći, nećeš trebati mnogo onoga što ti drugi žele prodati. Nekome tko te želi kontrolirati i prodati ti nešto bez obzira na tvoju moć, ti koji si svoje moći svjestan nisi mu od koristi. Ti si njegova najgora noćna mora. Ako si svjestan da možeš imati koliko god poželiš pizze, nećeš je htjeti kupiti za $109.99.

S druge strane, ako nisi svjestan da možeš imati pizze ili te netko uvjeri da tvoje pizze ne valjaju, kupiti ćeš one koje on prodaje. Nastaviti ćeš kupovati i dolaziti ćeš po još. Prodavač će te gledati u oči i suprotno svoj tvojoj logici uvjeravati te da ono što vidiš, osjećaš i živiš nije istina. Uvjeriti će te da tvoje pizze nisu dovoljno ukusne, nisu dovoljno sočne i nemaju najbolje sastojke kao njegove. Ili jednostavno, prije nego uopće aktiviraš svoj dobitak na lutriji, uvjeriti će te da ona uopće ne postoji!

Kao i prodavač pizze, naše nas društvo uvjerava da naše moći nemaju vrijednosti. To je u slučaju da uopće shvaćamo da imamo neke moći. Ovo je društvo također uložilo mnogo kako bi nas uvjerilo da nemamo nikakve moći. U slučaju da bi se ikada usudio probuditi iz te laži, uvjeriti će te da tvoje moći nisu valuta u ovom svijetu. Ne primamo TVOJU vrstu pametnog, ne primamo TVOJU vrstu lijepog, ne primamo TVOJU vrstu uspješnosti. Proizvodimo svoju, I MORAŠ imati našu. To je jedina valuta koja se ovdje priznaje.

To je ispiranje mozga koje se trenutno odvija u našem društvu. Uvjereni smo od strane našeg društva da nemamo nikakvu moć. Čak i kada vidimo obrise svojih moći, vrlo se brzo netko nađe da nas uvjeri u suprotno. Mozak nam je ispran na način da vjerujemo kako je sve što nam treba izvan nas. S obzirom da novac pokreće ovaj svijet, u ovom svijetu možemo čuti samo poruke i vjerovati onome što nekome donosi novac. Nitko neće investirati u to da nas učini svjesnima naših moći. Tako više ne bismo kupovali njihove laži. To je razlog zašto trebamo nastaviti sanjati. Trebamo nastaviti kupovati lažne moći koje prodaju.

Mi kao ljudska biča na ovoj planeti smo slobodni i možemo odlučiti svaki dan da razbijemo ovaj nakaradni sistem koji su određeni ljudi stvorili i u njega nas postavili. Možemo danas odlučiti da ne igramo prema njihovim pravilima. Ako razumijemo da je sva moć koju ćemo ikad trebati unutar nas, nećemo trebati kupiti ni jedan proizvod, ni jednu laž koju sam prodaju. Ako ne bude nikoga da kupuje njihove proizvode, njihovo će gospodarstvo kolapsirati, i uvesti će se nove vrijednosti i nove valute.

Koje bi valute želio da pokreću ovaj svijet? Pohlepa, sebični interesi, manipulacija i rat? Ili kao ja: ljubav, zajedništvo, sloboda i mir?

Moć da promijenimo svijet je u našim rukama. Dok mi, većina, ne odlučimo to razumjeti i tako učiniti, nastaviti ćemo zarađivati novac kako bismo kupovali precijenjene proizvode i lažne moći koje nam nikad nisu ni trebale.

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