[C] Photo credits: Jana Preslickova
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There are two types of people in this world – those who have money and those who don’t really. The difference between them is not in their possessions, but in their mentality.
I grew up with this belief that money is something that is hard to get. That is the value that I was given by my parents. They have worked hard all their lives for a possibility that they will enjoy their time in retirement. Money comes from hard work. Money is limited. There is not so much money available to us. Our behavior derives directly from values that we hold. My father for example always believed that the more money you have, more problems you have in life. My mother’s behavior with money is driven by fear, it creates no flow, it is an energy that is stagnant – she is afraid to spend much, and on the other side she doesn’t get much either.
Here are some things I heard about money growing up: ‘We don’t have money for this’, ‘Do you think I am a Rockefeller?’, ‘I wish we would have the money for that!’, ‘You need a lot of money for that (implying that we don’t have it, therefore it is impossible to attain)’.
My favorite one is ‘Money does not grow on trees’.
Let me ask you: What if money did grow on a tree? Let’s say a tree behind your house somewhere. What would you do? I am betting 90% of you who are reading this now think ‘I would go and collect it, of course!’ If money grew on that tree would you march there right now and start climbing, start finding ways how to get to those high branches and collect all those Franklins? If you would not be able to do it alone, would you gather your friends to help? Bring a ledder, call a fire brigade with a truck if need be? Probably you think you would do that.
Let me tell you one thing, money DOES grow on trees! It grows all around us, floats freely everywhere you look. There is so much money that there is someone buying their 37th villa and their 11th yacht as we speak. People are betting on horses running in circles or even worse dogs fighting to death just because they are boared and don’t know what to do with all this money. Last time I checked there was 90.4 TRILLION dollars in circulation in the world at any given moment. And that is only paper money or money easily accessible on the accounts. This excludes any investments such as financial products, derivatives or cryptocurrencies that are produced each day! If we take any of those into account, we are already talking QUADRILLIONS!
Why you don’t have any of it you ask? Because you don’t believe you deserve it. Because you, just like I did, believe certain things about money. You hate money, you hate people who have money, you hate all those snobs that drive around in private jets and on private yachts. You hate their big houses and villas on prime locations. You hate everything that money can buy. But you still want money. If I were money I would run for my life as far away from you as possible! And money is smart, and it thinks like me, and it is finding itself a company where it is appreciated.
There is so much money available every single moment for you out there, you just need to go and collect it. You might not believe me and decide that it is smarter to be sitting on your sofa and fantasizing about having money or saying to yourself that you don’t want it anyway! Because going out there and actually collecting it is too hard for you. Those branches are too high for you. It is so much easier to feel pitty for yourself and continue lazying around on your sofa. It’s comfortable your sofa, it has TV plugged on 348 channels which are all trying to brainwash you to believe their truth and go out there and pick up money for them!
You don’t believe you deserve to have a cut in those quadrillions. It is because you grew up in a beggers mentality. You grew up with wrong beliefs about money and those beliefs are what is preventing you to go out and start climbing that tree! You grew up to believe that your past defines your future. And it will, if you continue believing that what happened in the past defines you. You think that whatever was true for you yesterday will always be true. It will only if you allow it to be so.
Check what your beliefs are about money. Check what is it that you believe about money. Is it good? Is it bad? Why? What are some phrases that you heard growing up? Do you believe them? Google some quotes about money. How do you fee about those? How do all those beliefs serve you? Are they going to help you to get more money? If the answer is NO, find new beliefs and find arguments which will help you understand how this new belief is true. If you believe that you need to work hard to make money, read about investment and people who turned a single idea into a lot of money. If you believe that you don’t have money now, therefore you will not have money tomorrow think about all those times when you didn’t have something and then after some time you did, and you had so much more than you thought you will have. If you believe that there is not enough money around you that you can grab, go back couple of paragraphs and read again.
You have the power to change any circumstance that you think that is currently defining your life. You can make your reality whatever you want it to be. It won’t change tomorrow, but if you keep going, I guarantee you, it will. I know because I have proven it to myself million times over! If you decide that you will drive a Porche next year, you can. You just need to be willing to go out and get it. Maybe it won’t be next year, maybe you will need double the time, but still don’t give up! Don’t let yourself be sabotaged by your own beliefs! You are making yourself your worse enemy!
Whether you decide to collect that money on that tree it is up to you. It is entirely your decision. If you didn’t know until now that there was money growing on trees all around us, all is forgiven to you. Today you know because I told you. So, now if you still decide that you are still not going to go and collect it, that is on you. Just please do us all a favor and shut up before you decide to say something like ‘It does not work that way. If it were that easy everyone would have it.’ It is that easy and that hard at the same time. Not everyone has what it takes. Not everyone is willing to get ther ass off that sofa and go get it!
If you are still sitting there doubting whether I am right, continue doing whatever you are doing because you simply don’t have what it takes. Continue watching TV, football players making their millions.
If you dare to be honest with yourself, you will see they also have to sweat for them!
Raste li novac na drveću?
Na svijetu postoje dvije vrste ljudi – oni koji imaju novac i oni koji ga nemaju baš. Razlika među njima nije u onome što imaju, već u njihovom mentalitetu.
Rasla sam s vjerovanjem da je novac nešto što je teško dobiti. To je vrijednost koju sam naslijedila od svojih roditelja. Oni su teško radili cijeli život za mogućnost da uživaju kad budu u mirovini. Novac dolazi od teškog rada. Novac je limitiran. Nema toliko novca koji nam je dostupan. Naše ponašanje proizlazi direktno od vrijednosti koje imamo. Moj otac je naprimjer uvijek vjerovao da što više novca imaš, to imaš i više problema. Odnos moje majke i novca proizlazi iz straha, ne stvara protok, već energiju koja stagnira – boji se potrošiti puno, i s druge strane također ne dobiva puno.
Ovo su neke stvari koje sam čula o novcu dok sam odrastala: ‘Nemamo novca za to’, ‘Misliš li da sam Rockefeller?’, ‘Koje sreće kad bi imali novaca za to!’, ‘Za to treba puno novaca (implicirajući kako ga mi nemamo te je stoga nemoguće to postići).
Moja omiljena je ‘Novac ne raste na drveću’.
Dopustite da pitam: Što kad bi novac rastao na drvu? Recimo na drvu iza tvoje kuće negdje. Što bi učinio? Kladim se da 90% vas sad misli ‘Otišao/la bi i pokupilo/la bih ga, naravno!’ Kad bi novac rastao na tom drvetu bi li odmah tamo otrčao i počeo se penjati, tražiti načine kako da dostigneš one visoke grane i pokupiš sve te novčanice? Ako nebi bio sposoban pokupiti ih sam, bi li nazvao prijatelje da ti pomognu? Donesu stepenice, pozovu vatrogasce s kamionom ako treba? Vjerojatno misliš da bi to učinio.
Dopustite da vam nešto kažem, novac DOISTA raste na drveću! Raste svuda oko nas, struji slobodno svuda gdje pogledaš. Toliko je novca na svijetu da netko kupuje 37. -mu vilu i 11.-tu jahtu dok ovo pišem. Ljudi se klade na konje koji trče u krug ili još gore na pse koji se tuku na smrt jer im je dosadno i ne znaju što učiniti sa svim tim novcem. Posljednji put kad sam provjerila 90.4 BILIJUNA dollara je bilo u opticaju u bilo kojem trenutku. To isključuje investicije kao npr. financijske proizvode, derivate ili kriptovalute koje se proizvode svaki dan! Ako i njih uzmemo u obzir pričamo u BILIJARDAMA!
Zašto ti nemaš ništa od svog tog novca, pitaš? Jer ne vjeruješ da ga zaslužuješ. Jer ti, kao što sam i ja običavala, vjeruješ određene stvari o novcu. Mrziš novac, mrziš ljude koji imaju novac, sve one snobove koji se voze uokolo u privatnim avionima i na privatnim jahtama. Mrziš njihove velike kuće i vile na atraktivnim lokacijama. Mrziš sve što novac može kupiti. Ali i dalje želiš novac. Kad bi ja bila novac ja bi bježala od tebe što je dalje moguće! Novac je pametan, i misli baš kao i ja i traži si društvo u kojem će biti cijenjen.
Toliko ti je novca dostupno u svakom trenutku, samo moraš krenuti i pokupiti ga. Možda mi ne vjeruješ i odlučuješ da je pametnije sjediti na kauču i fantazirati o novcu ili govoriti si da ga ionako ne želiš! Jer otići i pokupiti ga ti je preteško. Te su ti grane previsoke. Puno je lakše osjećati sažaljenje nad samim sobom i nastaviti biti lijen na kauču. Tvoj kauč je udoban, ima TV priključen na 348 kanala od kojih ti svaki pokušava isprati mozak da odeš i ubereš novac za njih!
Ne vjeruješ da zaslužuješ dio u tim bilijardama. To je zato jer si odrastao u prosjačkom mentalitetu. Odrastao si s krivim vjerovanjima o novcu i ta te vjerovanja preveniraju da odeš i počneš se penjati na to stablo! Odrastao si vjerujući da tvoja prošlost definira tvoju budućnost. I hoće, ako nastaviš vjerovati da te definiraju stvari koje su se dogodile u prošlosti. Misliš da što god je za tebe bilo istina jučer, biti će istina uvijek. Biti će tako jedino ako dopustiš da bude tako.
Provjeri koja su tvoja vjerovanja o novcu. Provjeri što je ono što vjeruješ vezano uz novac. Je li dobar? Je li loš? Zašto? Koje si fraze čuo dok si odrastao? Vjeruješ li u njih? Guglaj izreke o novcu. S kojima se slažeš, a s kojima ne? Kako ti služe sva ta vjerovanja? Hoće li ti pomoći da zaradiš više novaca? Ako je odgovor NE, nađi nova vjerovanja i argumente koji će ih podržati. Ako vjeruješ da trebaš naporno raditi da bi zaradio novac, čitaj o investiranju i ljudima koji su pretvorili jednu jedinu ideju u mnogo novca. Ako vjeruješ da s obzirom da nemaš novaca sada nećeš ga imati ni sutra, sjeti se svih onih vremena kad nešto nisi imao i onda nakon nakon nekog vremena jesi, mnogo puta i puno više nego si mogao zamisliti. Ako misliš da oko tebe nema dovoljno novca kojeg možeš ugrabiti, vrati se nekoliko paragrafa i pročitaj ponovo.
Imaš moć da promijeniš bilo koju okolnost za koju misliš da trenutno definira tvoj život. Možeš svoju realnost učiniti da bude što god želiš. Neće se promjeniti odmah sutra, ali ako nastaviš, garantiram ti – hoće! Znam da je to istina jer sam si to dokazala milijun puta do sada! Ako odlučiš da ćeš voziti Porche sljedeće godine, možeš. Samo trebaš biti voljan krenuti i raditi na tome. Možda neće biti sljedeće godine, možda će ti trebati duplo vremena nego si predvidio, ali svejedno nemoj odustati! Nemoj dopustiti da te tvoja vjerovanja sabotiraju. Ti si svoj najgori neprijatelj!
Želiš li pokupiti taj novac s grana, na tebi je. To je potpuno tvoja odluka. Ako do sada nisi znao da novac raste na granama svuda oko nas, sve ti je oprošteno. Danas znaš jer sam ti ja rekla. Ako i dalje odlučuješ da nećeš otići i pokupiti ga, to je na tebi. Samo molim te učini nam svima uslugu i zašuti prije nego želiš izustiti nešto poput: ‘Ne funkcionira to tako. Kad bi to bilo tako lako, svi bi imali novaca’. Upravo je tako lako i tako teško u isto vrijeme. Nemaju svi ono što je potrebno za uspijeh. Nisu svi voljni dignuti se s kauča i krenuti!
Ako i dalje sjediš tamo sumnjajući jesam li u pravu, nastavi raditi to što radiš jer nemaš ono što je potrebno da uspiješ. Nastavi gledati TV, nogometaše koji zarađuju milijune. Ako se usudiš biti iskren sa sobom, vidjeti ćeš da se i oni moraju znojiti za njih.